3rd October 2023
18th August 2023
Sugar beet: Capitalising on the canopy
Effectively managing the canopy characteristics of sugar beet is the foundation of a healthy and profitable crop. In a world where the list of pest and disease threats keeps growing, CPM explores the importance of…
28th July 2023
Maize stress risk
24th July 2023
Managing uncertainty: The test of time
The days of selecting a wheat variety for its straight yield are over, and instead, the focus has moved to those that will provide consistent performance on farm, time and time again. CPM explores how…
6th July 2023
Early blight risk alert
30th June 2023
Managing Uncertainty: The value of vigour
From grassweed suppression to improved NUE to early entry for oilseed rape to flexible end use, hybrid barley has cemented its value to growers over the past two decades. CPM discovers how the crop offers…
28th June 2023
AAB regen conference: The science-soil connection
Scientists, farmers and industry came together recently at an Association of Applied Biologists conference to discuss the challenges and opportunities regenerative practices may offer. CPM was there.
18th May 2023
Playing catch up?
27th April 2023
Delayed beet under aphid threat
13th March 2023
Protect, prevent, and prosper
10th February 2023
Steering through unchartered waters