4th December 2023
Drone technology: Eye in the sky
Drones may not be new to the industry but they are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are being utilised for more and more operations as the technology improves. CPM investigates.
4th December 2023
Drones may not be new to the industry but they are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are being utilised for more and more operations as the technology improves. CPM investigates.
20th August 2023
The questions around applying pyrethroid-based insecticides aren’t new, with many feeling their use is severely limited and, in some cases, detrimental. CPM discovers whether they still have a place on farm.
18th August 2023
Complacency is not an option when it comes to grassweed management and in years where forces favour them, it’s more important than ever to prioritise cultural control methods. CPM explores sustainable approaches to help manage…
24th July 2023
The days of selecting a wheat variety for its straight yield are over, and instead, the focus has moved to those that will provide consistent performance on farm, time and time again. CPM explores how…
29th June 2023
When considering planting a companion crop with oilseed rape, it’s important that it will help and not hinder the cash crop. CPM explores the nuances of selecting the right species for the situation.
28th June 2023
What tools are available to improve understanding of soil resilience and support making effective practical changes? CPM explores if growers really can help soil to overcome adversity.
18th May 2023
17th April 2023
24th March 2023
9th February 2023