New crop protection product, Revysol, will be available for UK farmers to use on their cereal crops next spring, according to the latest announcement from BASF. Charlotte Cunningham reports.
The isopropanol-azole molecule falls into the azole group of chemistry and is set to bring a powerful new tool in the fungicide armoury to ensure a robust addition for resistance management, says BASF’s Andy Jones.
“The timing for this authorisation, across a range of cereal crops, is pivotal given the loss of chlorothalonil (CTL) and the decline in efficacy of the triazoles, prothioconazole and epoxiconazole,” he points out.
“Having a new azole cereal fungicide approved is something that was considered impossible to do, given the regulatory environment surrounding this group.”
The common name for Revysol is mefentrifluconazole and it’s the first of its class to be introduced to the market. “From the outset of the molecule’s development, our research team knew we had to take a completely fresh approach to its development to meet with regulatory needs underpinning the product development process,” says Andy.
“Key to the success of this rapid authorisation was the decision to establish a new screening system to optimise Revysol’s efficacy against fungal pathogens while, in parallel, creating a product with a favourable regulatory profile. This has taken a big shift in mindset as well as in process.”
Wide range control
Revysol will be available in combination with BASF’s SDHI (succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor) Xemium, for use on wheat, barley, triticale, oats and rye for the control of a wide range of diseases, and principally, of septoria in wheat, ramularia in barley and the rust diseases.

BASFs Ben Freer
In terms of its field performance, BASF’s Ben Freer says: “Revysol shows outstanding field performance in both curative and long-lasting preventative situations, delivering a new level of disease control compared to existing azoles, even where shifted-sensitivity populations of disease isolates exist.
“Over 40 farmers involved in BASF’s Real Results on-farm trials community have undertaken field scale trials of Revysol with excellent results,” he adds.
“All of these trials have been analysed using ADAS’s Agronomics trials assessment, ensuring the statistical integrity of the yield and quality responses that Revysol has delivered.
“As a business, it’s important that farmers hear from other farmers about where and how the product has worked best on their own farms, and in the context of the seasonal and agronomic challenges they’ve had to manage.”
Sharing experience
With this ethos in mind, BASF will be holding eight Real Results Revysol Roadshows in February and March of 2020, with the Real Results farmers sharing their experiences.
“The roadshows will be a really good opportunity for farmers to get the detail on Revysol, some practical guidance for use and also some important updates on fungicide resistance and sensitivity shifts,” adds Ben.
“The Real Results farmers involved are also really keen to share their results both in terms of how the crop looked during the growing season, as well as the final yield versus their current farm standard.”
The roadshows will also include issue-led sessions with independent experts in cereal agronomy and disease.
Details on how to register will be available via the BASF Real Results website later this year.