



Results for Theory to field

  1. Innovation Insight: Switching on yield potential

    Findings from new trials have shown that it’s possible to increase wheat yields, despite reduced nitrogen, when the right biostimulant is used... CPM finds out more.

  2. Real Results Roundtable: Discussing disease

    Achieving resilient disease control relies on many independent factors coming together under the stewardship of growers and agronomists. In the first of BASF’s Real Results Roundtables, CPM hosts an open discussion to understand the current…

  3. Smith’s Soapbox: Wet back-ends – the new norm?

    One throw away personal insult I’ve heard batted around the farming scene goes along the lines of ‘if he just stayed in bed all day then he’d be a millionaire.’

  4. Biostimulants: have they crossed into mainstream?

    Biostimulants are increasingly entering the vernacular of farmers and agronomists as the solution to anything from plant establishment to off-setting disease pressure. CPM details some of the current options to canvas user opinions.

  5. Redekop: Same weeds, new thinking

    During a particularly intense year for grassweed pressure, what learnings can be shared by three growers who’ve been investigating a novel method of control at harvest? CPM finds out.

  6. Leguminose: Transforming a niche

    Intercropping, bi-cropping, companion cropping – call it what you like, but interest is increasing. An EU project aims to transform this from a niche to mainstream. CPM reports.

  7. Research Briefing: Waxing advantage

    Research aiming to explain the impact Avadex has on weeds from follow-up herbicide treatments has found how it links to its mode of action. CPM learns more about the science.

  8. Talking Taties: Well, has patience paid off?

    As I write this in late May the last of the N is on the combinable crops, and all are romping through growth stages apace. T2 fungicide is on most of the wheat, and the…

  9. Regen potatoes: Only the brave?

    Many battle with the concept of ‘regenerative’ potatoes and simply discount it for fear of risk. But small steps could pave the way for a more sustainable crop, as CPM investigates on one Shropshire farm.

  10. Maize: A-maize-ing for the soil

    Maize is known for being a high-risk crop in relation to soil erosion but using cover crops and strip tilling could offer a solution. CPM speaks to a farmer who’s trialling different approaches to produce…