CPM finds out why Syngenta has extended its popular nozzle offer on 90% drift reduction technology (DRT) for pre-emergence herbicide application this season, to now include an 03 orifice option, alongside the highly successful 05 90% DRT nozzle.
Last year the Syngenta 90% DRT nozzle offer resulted in the equivalent of more than 280 30-metre sprayers being equipped with the new technology – working over an estimated ¼ million hectares of pre-emergence herbicide application.
The nozzle offer is open to all growers and operators again this season, irrespective of product choice, reported Syngenta Application Specialist, Scott Cockburn.
“Our application trials and working with growers has clearly shown the huge benefit of 90% drift reduction nozzles in better targeting of pre-emergence herbicide treatments and minimising the risk of drift,” he reported.

Scott Cockburn
Trials at the Syngenta blackgrass focus site near Cambridge, along with research by the Silsoe Spray Application Unit, has demonstrated the teejet TTI110-05 gave the best-in-test performance for pre-emergence herbicides, in terms of drift reduction and grass weed control when operated at the optimum 200 l/ha application rate.
“This year, however, we have extended the offer to also include the lechler ID120/03, which can achieve the 90% drift reduction capability whilst delivering a lower water volume of 100 l/ha where required, and has still shown to deliver effective results.”
New Silsoe research, funded by Syngenta, has shown that at a consistent wind speed of 4m/s, measured at boom height, the 90% drift-reducing nozzle technology tested still produced 80% less detectable drift, compared to a standard flat fan nozzle operating at a wind speed of 2m/s.
“The pre-em timing is a tricky one,” pointed out Scott. “Soils are still warm, yet the air temperature is cooling rapidly. It’s also often a windy period, with low pressure systems feeding across the country.
“Ideal spray days can be few and far between, making it even more difficult to get application timing spot-on. The use of 90% drift reduction technology could help target application in the field more effectively, and give more even distribution across the soil surface to achieve the best possible results.”

To take advantage of the Syngenta nozzle offer – at just £4.50 per nozzle for either option – growers should contact their local Syngenta Area Manager, or visit the website for more details.