The latest AHDB Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) is now available to download via an app for the first time. Charlotte Cunningham reports.

The guide offers best practice guidance in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on application of fertilisers and organic materials to crops and grassland.

New recommendations for cereal crops and phosphate published in this revision are the outcome of 10 years of research work which culminated in 2019.

The revision of the Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) was carried out by ADAS, AHDB, Bangor University, Frontier Agriculture, Lancaster University, NIAB TAG, Rothamsted Research, SOYL, SRUC and University of Southampton.

The Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) is split into seven colour-coded sections, so users can pick the information relevant to them. Section 1 and 4 have been updated to reflect changes to phosphate management for cereal crops. Section 6 has been updated with more detailed information for courgettes and pumpkins.

The sections are:

  1. Principles of nutrient management and fertiliser use
  2. Organic materials
  3. Grass and forage crops
  4. Arable crops
  5. Potatoes
  6. Vegetables and bulbs
  7. Fruits, vines and hops

Easy access

James Price, Oxon cereals grower and chair of the RB209 partnership steering group, said: “Crop nutrition is one of the key elements to optimising production in the field and growers need to use all the tools available to ensure that they manage resources, in terms of soil, applications and plant health.

“RB209 recommendations are based on the most up-to-date science and so offer clear guidance to growers on a whole range of crops from cereals to grass to ornamental bulbs.”

Benefits of using the digital version over the printed copies include automatic updates and alerts, the ability to save notes, easier navigation and integrated multimedia content.

With quick and easy access to videos, information and recommendations from the guide, it is practical for use in the field and will always be the latest version available – plus it’s lighter to carry and doesn’t need an internet connection once downloaded, said AHDB.