KWS is reopening its maize demonstration site in Gloucestershire to visitors this month, following a virtual event in 2020. Charlotte Cunningham reports.

The annual events were replaced with a virtual tour for 2020, but this year growers will once again be invited to the forage and energy maize demonstration days at the KWS’ Lydney headquarters.

Guests will be able to assess new and current KWS maize hybrid varieties in the ground and view with population wheel, which demonstrates the effects of a range of seed rates.

The main farm site has its own anaerobic digester plant, while the plots at nearby St Briavels showcase maize that has been planted at 182m above sea-level.

Rapid progression

“Technology has allowed plant breeding progress to move forward rapidly,” says KWS’ John Morgan. “In the past, growers have had to wait for the National List to be published, before making their choice on maize varieties. This led to a delay of three or four years between the point when a variety is highlighted for its promising commercial potential, to its launch on the open market.

“However, the range of new equipment at our disposal means that farmers of the future may have access to the new and most genetically-valuable varieties before they have made the official listing.”

To book a place at one of the September open days, contact your local merchant or get in touch with the KWS maize office on 01594 528234 or by email: