The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) Farm Excellence programme has turned to digital technology to ensure knowledge can still be shared with and between farmers during the current coronavirus pandemic. Charlotte Cunningham reports.

With the summer months fast approaching, the Farm Excellence programme would normally be heading out to farms up and down the country to discuss on-farm plans and topical issues for the year ahead.

However, social distancing measures mean that such events will now take place via engaging webinars, starting with Strategic Farm Week 2020, which begins on 1 June, for arable farmers.

During this week, AHDB will be discussing monitoring pests and beneficials, how to carry out soil structure assessments, mole drainage and crop growth monitoring. 

AHDB’s Strategic Farm Week will then be followed by a series of regional webinars which will be tailored to suit the varying challenges in the different areas of the country. There will also be national webinars, covering both mental health and pre-harvest preparations, which form part of AHDB’s regular monthly webinar programme.

Sharing knowledge

AHDB’s head of arable knowledge exchange, Richard Meredith, said: “In these difficult times it is more important than ever for AHDB to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and information between our growers.

“Although the current situation provides many challenges, it is also a great opportunity for us to bring together AHDB’s Farm Excellence activity and provide our UK growers with an insight into the programme.

“Over the next few weeks, the AHDB Strategic Farm and Monitor Farm hosts will be joined by industry experts to share their experiences and knowledge through videos, online meetings and webinars, which will all provide an online forum for discussion.”

For more information on Strategic Farm Week or AHDB’s other digital offerings in the coming weeks, please visit or