The supply of winter bean seed in Britain has been secured following a successful derogation campaign led by the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC).

The derogation, which was approved on 17 October, allows for a limited quantity of winter bean seed to be sold with a germination rate of no less than 70%. Under normal circumstances, this germination rate is 80% or higher.

It comes as a result of the exceptionally hot and dry conditions throughout this summer, which have taken a toll on germination rates, risking a depleted quantity of winter bean seed available for the 2023 drilling campaign.

‘Good news’

“This is good news for the certified seed industry and gives some much-needed certainty for British growers,” said Rose Riby, AIC arable and seed sector head, who spearheaded the derogation request.

“At a time when the global supply of food and commodities can be incredibly volatile, AIC has worked efferently to get this derogation and mitigate the potential for significant disruption to bean seed supply.”