The NFU is extending its education portfolio with the launch of its Farmers for Schools programme, which is specifically focused on growing the understanding of British food and farming within secondary schools.

The programme will build on the NFU’s work in primary schools with the  Farmvention challenge and Farming STEMterprise project, using farmer ambassadors to provide the country’s teenagers with first-hand experiences about how their food is produced and the varied career opportunities within farming.

With the Farmers for Schools programme originally due to start in 2020 the NFU Education team is now back working with schools and NFU members to find ambassadors to get involved.

Bridging a knowledge gap

One current NFU Farmers for Schools ambassador Luke Abblitt said: “I truly believe that children need to learn where their food comes from, and who is better to explain this than the farmers and growers producing it? I’ve done school talks in the past and have been concerned by how removed students are from the way food is produced and its role in nature. The Farmers for Schools programme is so important in bridging this knowledge gap.

“I believe we’re in a golden age of farming. TV programmes have got people thinking and understanding more about agriculture, and now is the time to build on that and teach the next generation of workers and consumers about British food and farming.”

The next generation

NFU president Minette Batters added: “This is an exciting programme that will give farmers the opportunity to pass on their knowledge and expertise to the next generation, as well as talking about farming’s vital role in producing food for the nation and the role it plays in caring for the environment.

“With the popularity of our Farmvention competition, we see year-on-year how much the nation’s students love to get involved with farming as part of their education and I would encourage anyone to sign up and join the 70 other Farmers for Schools ambassadors already involved.”