Now is the time to nominate yourself for Climate Change Champion 2021. CPM is on a quest to find arable farmers on the path to Net Zero.

Arable farmers with the ideas and determination to position the sector as the solution to climate change have just a few days left to step forward. CPM’s quest to find the arable Climate Change Champions of 2021 closes for entries on Sunday 31 Jan 2021. Click here for the nomination form.

The campaign that ran for the first time during 2020 was hugely successful, making a palpable difference to how the arable sector is positioned to play its part and help the industry on its journey to Net Zero.

Find out what made Al Brooks Climate Change Champion of 2020, voted the worthy winner of the accolade by CPM readers.

Then, if you believe you have what it takes, take the step and fill out the nomination form.

Throughout 2021, we’ll be profiling in CPM a shortlist of candidates, selected from those nominees by a judging panel. The campaign is supported by NFU, and supports its goal of achieving Net Zero by 2040. Specifically, we’re looking for arable farmers with:

  • Inspirational ideas – more than anything, this is the opportunity for those with innovative practices or novel thinking to come forward and show how these help the journey towards Net Zero.
  • Productivity push – those using a wide variety of techniques to enhance productivity and deliver the same output or more, and those working smarter to use fewer inputs.
  • Cultivation care – those using measures to build soil organic matter and lock carbon into the land, which may involve cultivation practice, a change in rotation or alternative land use.
  • Bio-based boldness – farmers who have implemented measures or activities that positively displace the use of fossil fuel or other causes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions elsewhere in society. Examples include anaerobic digesters, solar and wind and alternative uses for agricultural products that lock up carbon.

To qualify you must:

  • Be a CPM reader
  • Be an NFU member
  • Use a recognised carbon-accounting tool
  • Agree to be part of a three-page article in CPM and an event at the end of October 2021 (see below).

To nominate yourself, simply follow this link to fill out the online form. But this isn’t a journey farmers face on their own. It’s one that unites the entire UK farming industry towards a common goal. So CPM has teamed up with leading agricultural suppliers who have a credible Net Zero aspiration who will form the judging panel to select the 2021 Climate Change Champions.

We’ll visit each of these individuals and profile their achievements in a CPM article between February and September 2021. Then, in October, we’ll bring them into top-level discussions about how farming can position itself as the solution to climate change, at an event hosted by NFU. CPM readers will be asked to select who they feel should be awarded the overall Climate Change Champion 2021.

To find out more about Climate Change Champions 2021, go to Nominations close 31 Jan 2021.