CPM finds out why the AHDB Agronomists’ Conference has broadened its scope to turn research into practical agronomy for the whole rotation.

The 2018 conference, which takes place on 4 to 5 December, retains traditional topics on cereals, oilseeds and potato production but, by working with key partners, has expanded its offer to include papers on field vegetables, peas and beans.

The conference has also moved to a new location, in Kettering, to accommodate a radical new approach, which will help agronomists and researchers to work even closer together.

Tim Isaac, AHDB Head of Arable KE, said: “This conference is a one-stop shop for crop agronomy. We’ve listened to feedback from our delegates and designed a programme to allow quality discussion to take place. As the best discussions occur in smaller groups, we’ve introduced workshop sessions to debate the key challenges.”

Each day features six expert-led workshops that run in parallel. The workshop topics are: field vegetable agronomy; pea and bean agronomy; potato storage and quality; cereal varieties; soil health; weed control in arable rotations (day one only); and grain storage and quality (day two only).

A networking dinner, which takes place at a nearby venue on the first day, also provides an additional way for people to interact. Sean Sparling, AICC, has been selected to be the after-dinner speaker.

Tim said: “Sean is a man of many talents. He is a passionate independent agronomist, who chairs AICC. Beyond that, he is a broadcaster, columnist, photographer, magician, naturalist and optimist. A mix of traits that makes him an obvious choice for our first ever after-dinner speaker slot.”

Each day also features two sessions, linked by a common theme, that conclude with a panel discussion. Sessions on the first day focus on crop protection and nutrition in potatoes. Sessions on the second day focus on crop protection and nutrition in cereals and oilseeds.

The crop protection sessions cover the latest developments in product efficacy and availability. Crucially, the conference will allow debate on management strategies for use in the absence of neonicotinoid seed treatments.

Pricing and booking information

The price for a one-day ticket is £49. The price for a two-day ticket is £89. Prices include lunch, refreshments and the networking dinner. BASIS and NRoSO points have been applied for.

To book a place or for further event information, visit cereals.ahdb.org.uk/agconf

Each year, AHDB hosts a small range of independent organisations within a dedicated exhibition area to discuss evidence-based findings, products and services. To find out about exhibition opportunities, contact Hannah.Newby@ahdb.org.uk